Breastfeeding to Weaning: Addressing Common Fears and Building New Bonds

Embarking on the journey from breastfeeding to weaning can elicit a roller coaster of emotions. From joy and excitement to apprehension and uncertainty, it's a transformative period in a mother's life. The goal of this blog post is to address some of these common fears and provide reassurance that there are always ways to maintain a strong bond with your child, even as your breastfeeding journey concludes.

The Fear of Losing the Bond

For many mothers, breastfeeding is an incredibly intimate way of connecting with their babies. The fear that weaning may disrupt this special bond is quite common. But let's remember: breastfeeding is just one of the many ways you bond with your baby.

From Nursing to Nurturing in Other Ways

Weaning doesn't mean the end of your close relationship with your baby - it simply marks the transition to expressing your love and affection in new ways. Cuddling, playing, reading, singing, or participating in your child's favorite activities can all foster a strong emotional connection.

Baby-led and Mother-led Weaning: Every Journey is Unique

Whether it's baby-led weaning or mother-led weaning, every journey is unique and should be navigated at a pace comfortable for both mom and child. By focusing on your baby's cues and communicating your love and support throughout the process, you can help your child transition smoothly and confidently.

Support Network: You're Not Alone

You're not alone on this journey. From loved ones to healthcare professionals like lactation consultants, doulas, and midwives, there's a whole community ready to provide advice, encouragement, and reassurance.


The journey from breastfeeding to weaning can be filled with mixed emotions, but remember, it's not the end of your bond with your child, but a beautiful evolution. Each new stage brings its own unique joys and challenges, and as always, we at Feliz Wean are here to support you every step of the way.

We build tools and communities that encourage mothers and children to confidently grow.